Exactly your variant.
Erfüllt die Anforderungen der Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV)
Hohe Energieeinsparung
Schutz gegen Kälte und Hitze
Minimiert das Eindringen von Staub, Abgasen, Verschmutzungen und Insekten in das Gebäude
Keine Durchgangsschleusen, transparenten PVC-Streifenvorhänge, Pendeltore oder Schnelllauftore mehr notwendig
As individual as your business.
With a parasol, pavilion or free-standing.
Adapt the Bistro-Boje to your requirements!

Dynamically adjusted airflow.
Height:Gate height measured on site
Broad:460 mm (incl. floor mount)
Power connection:3 kW / column
Max. shielding width/column:4 m
Volume (3m distance):At the max. power demand of the system 84 db (A)
Ensures pleasant warmth - or coolness.
Thanks to the integrated "MTC system" (Magic Thermo Channel), outdoor catering is now possible at all times of the year.
shielding of the interior
from outside against:
Inflowing muggy, warm outside air in summer
Inflowing cold outside air in winter
Dust, dirt and soot particles, car exhaust fumes
Fungi, spores, germs, viruses, bacteria
High humidity
Humidity too low
Unpleasant odors and putrefactive substances
Flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, moths, wasps, etc.)
Unpleasant noises (road and construction noise)

Inflowing warm indoor air in winter
Escaping cool indoor air in summer
Production-related unpleasant odours/smell of putrefaction/bacteria
Production-related particles/dust/air pollutants/gases/exhaust gases
Production-related high humidity
Production-related sounds/noise
Impressions of the use of the Bistro-Boje®

Stay Informed
Sefa GmbH
Giesestrasse 30
D - 58636 Iserlohn
Fon +49 (0) 2371 / 7711 180
Fax +49 (0) 2371 / 7711 185
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